GoFund is not an Option: 5 Reasons Why you need Life Insurance

Life insurance is an often not talked about, but necessary product that ensures one's family and assets are taken care of after death.  There are several reasons why people avoid or delay purchasing a life insurance policy. 

Here are 5 Reasons why you need life insurance.

1.  It's affordable.
Contrary to the common misconception, life insurance is actually affordable.  There are a variety of insurance products from whole life to annuities designed to fit everyone's needs. 

2.  No such thing as too young to purchase.
If you are young and healthy, now is the time to lock in great rates and coverage before the unexpected happens, especially if you have dependents.

3.  Smokers can be covered too.
Some people fear that they can not be covered because they are a smoker.  There are several life insurance companies who will cover smokers for an added surcharge.

4.  No dependents no problem.
Are you married?  Do you take care of a parent or family member?  Life insurance would supplement your income to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of.

5.  I don't know what type of insurance to get.
A good life insurance agent is able to tailor coverage to your needs. 

Please message me if you would like to discuss options that are available to protect you and your family.
